Ways to Avoid Racking Up Costs During Your Divorce

Getting a divorce may be painful, both emotionally and financially. However, there are sometimes unnecessary actions during a divorce that can drive up costs and make it harder on all parties moving forward. Try to avoid ways that divorce can end up costing more than it needs to, and enlist your attorney’s help in avoiding unnecessary expense.
- Don’t draw out disputes in hope that the other side will cave or that you may receive your partner back.
It can be hard to let go when the divorce wasn’t your idea, and you may feel tempted to try and draw out the process in hopes that the other side will give in or allow more time before a divorce is final to win back your spouse. Rather than trying to slow walk a relationship that no longer works, focus on your future by concluding your disputes as soon as possible with the help of your attorney.
- Try to work out as many details as possible in advance.
Once a relationship has soured to the point of divorce, it can be hard to calmly discuss issues like dividing property or custodial time with your spouse. However, having as much of an agreement on these issues as possible before you go before the judge will save a great deal of fighting at court—a time when the fight becomes much more costly to continue, due to court costs and attorneys’ fees.
- Don’t allow every dispute with your ex to drive you back before the judge
There are many opportunities during a divorce for you to calmly reach an agreement with your spouse, or to instead take the fight to the judge to decide. Even after your divorce is final, if your spouse fails to comply with the judgment, you may wish to go back before the judge to get an order compelling compliance. Sometimes, you’ll need the court to resolve these sorts of disputes. But often, it’s worthwhile to take a moment to try and reach an agreement with your spouse first, or to assess whether the fight is truly worth your money, time and/or whether the Court will look down upon the failure of the parties to agree because the matter is one that the Court determines should have been agreed upon without Court involvement.
If you are looking for compassionate, cost-aware legal representation for your Kentucky divorce, custody or other family law dispute, contact the skilled and experienced family law litigators at the Louisville law firm of Gwin, Steinmetz & Baird for a consultation, at 502-618-5700.