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Making the Holidays Memorable after a Divorce


The winter holiday season can be a stressful time for everyone, but this time of year can be particularly difficult if you’ve been through a divorce or are recently separated. You may be feeling lonelier than normal without a spouse, as well as concerned about whether you will be able to make the holidays special for your children while also sharing custody of them. The holidays can be a good time to take a break from the heated fights in which you and your spouse may be enmeshed, and to focus instead on your children’s happiness and the new life you’re creating.

  1. Leave the legal fights for the new year: You may be in the midst of disputes before the family court as the holidays approach, or considering seeking an order that will allow you to have custody of your children during the holidays. While some matters may not be able to wait until the new year, try to avoid introducing any new battles until after the new year. This will make the holidays more pleasant for you and limit the disagreements that could occur between you and your co-parent in front of the children, making the holidays more pleasant for them.
  2. Work out your custody exchange well in advance, and stick to it: If you’ve already finalized your divorce, you’ve likely worked out a holiday custody plan before the court. If you’re newly separated, you may not have a formal legal arrangement regarding where your children will be. Have a conversation with your co-parent in advance of the holiday, determining exactly when exchanges of custody will take place, and stick to it. If your ex deviates from the plan, try to hold off on fighting with them about this until after the holiday is over, in order to allow your kids to enjoy it and not feel as though they have to choose a side during what should be a joyful time.
  3. Double the holiday celebrations, double the fun: Just because you aren’t spending the holiday itself with your children doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate with them. After a divorce, your children may be feeling a bit disconnected from their family. Take the opportunity offered by the holidays to offer your children even more time with family by holding a gathering of your relatives the day before or after the holiday itself, so that your kids don’t miss out on time with your family just because they’ll be elsewhere on the holiday.

If you’re facing a divorce or dispute over custody in Kentucky, seek an attorney who will capably and diligently represent your interests before the family court, and contact the Louisville family law attorneys at Gwin, Steinmetz & Baird for a consultation, at 502-618-5700.


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